Mobeen Iqbal, Khaja H Mujtaba Quadri.
Preliminary experience with learner-centered Evidence Based format Morning Report.
J Pak Med Assoc Jun ;57(3):120-2.

Objective: To observe the advantages of implementing learner - centered evidence based format morning report at King Abdulaziz National Guard Hospital, Alhasa, Saudi Arabia. Methods: We modified conventional morning report by changing to a semicircular seating pattern to promote small group interactive discussions during case presentations. A facilitator was appointed to guide the sessions and asking problem based questions emanating from patient centered discussions. The question was formulated based on Evidence based medicine principles on a modified educational prescription and assigned to a volunteer to be answered in subsequent morning report sessions. Volunteers were asked to mention the search strategy, results and the evaluation of the process. The perceptions of the participants regarding the new format were assessed by a 17-statement questionnaire rated on Likert scale. Results: A total of 46 different types of questions were asked during the initial 3-month period. All of them were answered. Participants utilized Medline and UpToDate® the most to retrieve evidence. The commonest evidence retrieved were abstracts/journal articles followed by UpToDate® articles. The new format was well perceived by the participants. Conclusion: Evidence based medicine can be applied successfully in the setting of morning report. Semicircular seating pattern and presence of facilitator promotes interactive discussions (JPMA 57:120;2007).

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