Khalid Almas.
Nutrition, oral and periodontal health; advances in knowledge.
J Pak Dent Assoc Jun ;17(2):67-9.

The impact of nutrition on oral disease has traditionally focused on the local effects of the diet on caries risk. The role of diet in the etiology of dental caries is well established. It is well known that the caries process can be modified through dietary (food selection and eating habit changes) rather than nutritional changes. However, as dental professionals become increasingly aware of the association between systemic and oral health, the importance of addressing systemic nutrition issues takes on a new urgency. There is general acceptance that nutritional status may he a modifying factor in the progression and healing of the periodontal tissues. Amongst the general populations there are significant nutrient deficiencies, but there are patient populations at high risk for nutritional inadequacies in developed and developing countries. This is an Editorial.

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