Tariq Parvez, Muhammad Saeed Anwar.
Diagnostic Value of Different Tumor Markers, Our Experience.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;10(11):418-20.

Variety of tumor markers with varying sensitivity and specificity are used for diagnosis of different malignancies. This study was done to determine the diagnostic value of different tumor markers in our patients with various malignancies. Out of 235 patients studied, 162 were suffering from malignant and 73 from benign diseases. Among these 84 were positive for tumor markers. Out of these positive tumor markers, 75 were suffering from malignancy. Tumor marker analyzed were CA-15-3, CA-125, (-HCG, CEA, PSA and a-FP depending upon the type of the disease these cases presented. Analysis of the results revealed that different tumor markers had sensitivity varying from 76.9 - 95.8% and specificity varying from 75 - 90.9%. CA-125 was observed to be the most specific and sensitive tumor marker for ovarian tumors followed by a-FP for hepatocellular tumors and CEA for gastrointestinal tumors. Similarly, PSA for prostate cancers, -HCG for choriocarcinoma and CA-15-3 for breast cancer. It is concluded that all the tumor markers have a variable diagnostic value, which cannot be relied upon independently, without other tests added to increase diagnostic value.

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