Aisha Yazdani Malik, Farzana Amjad, Salma Haq, Abdul Hayee.
Acquired Coagulopathy in Females suffering from Acute and Chronic Liver Diseases.
Mother & Child Jun ;37(4):119-126.

An analysis of coagulation disorders was performed in patients suffering from a coagulopathy due to liver disease with a view to study the spectrum of coagulation defects in advanced chronic liver disease, acute liver disease with/without liver failure. A total of 36 females with coagulation disorders secondary to hepatocellular damage were analyzed. This included 23 patients (63.8%) with chronic liver disease, 6 (16.6%) with acute hepatitis without liver failure 7 (19.4%) with fulminant hepatic failure. The patients with CLD showed varying degree of defects in their coagulation profile. In all but 2 patients the P.T was prolonged. The APTT was prolonged in 19 (82.6%) patients whereas the P.T. in 17 patients. The platelet count was reduced andbleeding time was mildly prolonged in a majority and FDP level were raised in 17 patients, in 4 ofthese they were equal to or more than 80 ug/ml. The 6 patients with acute hepatitis showed prolonged PT in all and APTT in 3 patients only with normal platelets, bleeding time and FDP concentration. The 7 patients with FHF fared the worst with prolonged coagulation tests times,raised FDP concentration prolonged bleeding time and severe thrombocytopenia.

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