Khalid Mehmood, Hamayun Rashid Rathor, Imtinan Akram Khan, Soaib Ali Hassan, Tallat Anwar Faridi.
Insecticide susceptibility/resistance status of anopheles mosquitoes in district Bahawalpur, Punjab Pakistan: an entomological survey.
Pak J Public Health Jun ;3(4):44-5.

The main issue for effective malaria control programme in Southern Punjab is the insecticide resistance. While resistance to pyrethroids, is the alarming situation for the Malaria Control Program. As the pyrethroids are being used for long lasting bed nets (LLINs) and Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS). The present study utilized the World Health Organization (WHO) test kits and insecticide impregnated papersimpregnated papers with DDT, Malathion, Fenitrothion and Deltamethrin to determine the insecticide susceptibility/resistance status of malaria vector mosquitoes in Bahawalpur. Results from the study showed that An. stephensiwas resistance to DDT, Fenitrothion, Malathion, Deltamethrin and Lambdacyhalothrin in all localities of District Bahawalpur. This study forms an important evidence base for the strategic planning of vector control in district Bahawalpur.

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