Siddique Akbar Satti, Syed Irfan Ahmed, Muhammad Habib, Muhammad Naseemullah.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in Primary Gastroluminal Dyspepsia: A Study of 400 Cases.
J Rawal Med Coll Jun ;5(2):50-2.

Background: Dyspepsia is a common problem in the population. Diagnostic accuracy on clinical grounds, especially with a primary gastroluminal cause, remains unsatisfactory. We employed oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) to determine the cause of dyspepsia in patients suspected of having primary gastroluminal disease and to see if the clinical diagnosis conformed to the endoscopy findings. Methods: This prospective, multicentre study was conducted on 400 patients presenting with dyspepsia over a two year period. Only those individuals were included where a primary gastroluminal cause was suspected on the basis of history, clinical examination and laboratory investigations. OGD was done in all cases to see if the clinical diagnosis matched the endoscopic findings. Results: The majority of patients (56%) had non ulcer dyspepsia. Forty three percent of males and forty five percent of females had an organic cause of dyspepsia, the common ones being acute gastritis (15%), acute duodenal ulcer (9.5%), distal oesophagitis (9.25%) and acute gastric ulcer (4.3%). Gastric carcinoma was seen in 1%, of patients. One in two (50%) of our patients undergoing OGD showed unpredicted results. Conclusions: There is a significant disparity between the clinical diagnosis and OGD findings in patients suffering from primary gastroluminal dyspepsia, necessitating endoscopy for a definite diagnosis and early treatment.

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