Saif Ahmad, Nawshad Pervez, Naseer Baloch.
Primary closure of Pilonidal sinus: our experience.
Pak J Surg Jun ;26(1):36-40.

Objectives: To evaluate the outcome of excision of sinus tract in the management of chronic Pilonidal sinus (PS) followed by primary midline closure as a simple and quick remedy. Design and sett ing: A prospective descriptive study carried out on patients with chronic PS presenting in the surgical unit of Qatar hospital from January 2005- June 2008. Patients: Seventy nine patients of PS, with age ranging from 13 yrs to 38 years, were included in the study. Methodology: We fi lled a proforma, which included patient’s age, profession, weight and height, symptoms and signs, duration of symptoms, previous treatments, operation time and cost, hospital stay, return to normal activity, complications, pathologic and microbiologic examinations, and recurrences. All base line investigations were performed and recorded. Th e excision of PS followed by primary midline closure with cavity obliterating sutures without drainage was done in all cases. Results: 62(78.48%) patients developed no complications while 9(11.39%) had minor wound infection, 3(3.79%) had major wound infections, 3(3.79%) had wound dehiscence and only 2(2.53%) developed recurrence. Mean hospital stay was 2.43 days. Return to work was observed in 14 days. (Range 10-18 days). Conclusion: Simple primary closure of pilonidal sinus has good results with rapid healing, short hospital stay and early return to work and is the recommended method for most of the patients with PS disease.

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