Rafey Ahmad Jameel, Shah Salman Khan, Mohammad Firdaus Kamaruddin, Zubaidah Hj Abd Rahim, Marina Mohd Bakri, Fathilah Binti Abdul Razak.
Is Synthetic Mouthwash the Final Choice to Treat Oral Malodour?.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;24(10):757-62.

The aim of the review was to critically appraise the various pros and cons of the synthetic and herbal agents used in mouthwashes against halitosis and facilitate users to choose appropriate mouthwashes according to their need. Oral Malodour (OMO) or halitosis is a global epidemic with social and psychological impact. Use of mouthwash has been adopted worldwide to control halitosis within a past few decades. Alcohol and Chlorhexidine are common agents in synthetic mouthwashes, while Tannins and Eugenol are derived traditional herbal extracts. Each agent signifies some unique properties distinguishing them from others. Herbal ingredients are gaining the attention of the profession due to its mild side effects and competitive results. Herbal mouthwashes can be a safer choice in combating OMO, as an alternate to synthetic mouthwashes.

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