Muhammad Mughese Amin, Nasir Uddin Khan, Fouzia Qayyum, Abdullah El Muttaqi, Sohail Att Aur-rasool.
Effects of Orticochea Pharyngoplasty on Hypernasality and Speech Regurgitation after Cleft Palate Repair.
Pak J Surg Jun ;30(4):336-9.

Introduction: Abnormal speech patt ern is a common presentation of velopharyngeal insuffi - ciency (VPI) in a signifi cant population aft er previous palatoplasy for cleft palate (CP). Objective: We assessed the outcome of sphincter pharyngoplasty (SP) for hypernasality and speech regurgitation aft er CP repair. Design: Th is was a prospective study conducted during 2004 to 2014. Place & Duration of Study: Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bahawal -Victoria Hospital Bahawalpur. Patients & Methods: Twenty patients diagnosed with residual VPI aft er palatoplasty were recruited. Speech evaluation was done before and aft er SP described by Orticochea. Results: Our patients demonstrated significant improvement in hypernasality and speech regurgitation without complications. Th e effects were maintained during the study period without need for revision. Conclusion: Sphincter pharyngoplasty (SP) successfully and safely alleviates symptoms of velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) in cleft palate (CP) patients who had previously undergone palatoplasy.

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