Aamina Sarwar, Shazia Khalid.
Perceived social support and work motivation of day and night shift nurses.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;65(2):257-61.

Objective: To asses perceived social support and work motivation of nurses working in day and night shifts. Moreover it was aimed at studying how their working shifts (night and day shifts) are associated with their work motivation. Study Design: Cross sectional research design. Place and Duration of Study: Study was conducted in Institute of Applied Psychology, Pakistan from December 2012 to June 2013. Material and Methods: The sample comprised of 150 nurses selected from three teaching hospitals of Lahore. The age range of nurses was 19 years to 30 years (mean 21.57±1.45). Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale and Motivation at Work Scale were used to assess variables. Results: There was significant positive relationship between the perceived social support and work motivation, besides; there was a difference in perceived social support and work motivation among nurses working in day and night shifts. In multiple regression analysis, working shifts and perceived social support emerged as the predictors of work motivation. Conclusion: The present research emphasize the significance of working shifts and perceived social support in order to provide better work motivation.

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