Sami Ullah Khan, Hani Behairi, Atif Katib, Khalid Al Hawsawi, Mohammed Aldosari.
Hidradenitis suppurativa complicated with secondary lymphedema and lymphangioma of the scrotum.
J Pak Assoc Derma Jun ;25(3):230-2.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic relapsing inflammatory skin condition affecting the apocrine sweat glands. Among the complications of this rare condition are local lymphedema and lymphangioma. A case of scrotal lymphedema and lymphangioma following chronic hidradenitis suppurativa in the genital area is described. Excisional skin biopsy was compatible with secondary lymphangioma. A resection of the scrotal mass was performed with reconstruction of the scrotum, penis and perineum.

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