Zafar Iqbal, Sartaj Khan, Mujeeb-ur Rehman, Gul Shareef, Azizullah.
An experience with ileostomy.
J Med Sci Jun ;23(2):54-7.

Objective: To determine the indications of ileostomy and frequency of its common complications in our setup. Material and Methods: This is a descriptive cross sectional study and was conducted at Surgical Department of Hayatabd Medical Complex, Peshawar, from March 2013 to March 2014. In this study total of 207 patients were selected and admitted either through emergency or as an elective case from outpatient department. Results: The mean age of the patients was 42 years ± 14.92 SD. Eighty-one percent were male while 19% patients were female. In this study most of the patients 42% had enteric perforation, 22% had fire arm injury, 17% had abdomen tuberculous, 9% had covering Iseostomy, 4% had peritonits, 1% had blunt trauma, 1% had bomb blast Injury, 1% had iatrogenic perforation, 1% had gangrenous Illeum, 1% had anastomosis breakdown and 1% had mesenteric Ischaemia. Complications of ileostomy were analyzed as among 207 cases, 60% had complications in which 25% had skin excoriation, 10% had poor sitting while 6% had high output fistula. Conclusion: The ileostomy is definitely associated with several early post operative complications and some of them can be avoided by proper pre operative assessment and preparation of the patients in the form of attaining good general health and good surgical hands to perform ileostomy.

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