Faheem Ahmed Khan, Khalid A Ashrafi, Itrat Jawaid, Wadood, Asif Abbasi.
Frequency of Kite String Cut Throat in Neck Injury.
Pak J Otolaryngol Jun ;30(3):84-6.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of study was to evaluate and document frequency of kite string cut throat cases brought at trauma center of tertiary care hospital. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Twenty six cases of accidental cut throat injury were brought to trauma center of Abbasi Shaheed hospital in a period of one year. The various contribution factors were assessed and presented in the form of table and chart. PLACE AND DURATION: This study was done in Abbasi Shaheed Hospital from 1/9/2012 to 10/09/2013. RESULT: Twenty Six cases came with accidental cut throat and neck injuries were included in this study. Significant number of victims of cut throat due to kite string i.e 19 cases 73.07% with male predominates i.e.12 cases (63.15%). Highest number of incidence found between the ages of 21-30 years i.e. 8 cases (42.1%). Highest incidence of accidental cut throat was occured in the month of July i.e. 9 cases (47.36%). Zone II of neck was the commonest involved site, 13 cases (68.42%) followed by zone III which was 4 cases (21.05%). CONCLSION: The special string used in kite flying, which is coated with fine glass particles of metallic nature is responsible for a significant number of varius degree cut throat injuries which may be life threatening.

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