Arshadullah Khan, Farrukh Alim Ansari, Farid Uddin Baqai, Arsalan Ghazi, Samra Shaukat.
A Case report on Giant Extratesticular Epidermoid Inclusion Cyst.
Baqai J Health Sci Jun ;14(1):45-7.

An 83 year old man presented to the surgical OPD with the complaint of painless giant swelling in the scrotum for 5 years. The swelling was initially small in size, which increased to the size of a small football. Clinical examination revealedan extra-testicular swelling which was soft in consistency and the testis was palpable separately. After all base line investigations, it was operated. Findings revealed a cyst containing cheesy white material. On histopathological examination, it was confirmed to be a case of epidermoid cyst of the scrotum. Giant extra-testicular epidermoid inclusion cyst is a rare entity. We are reporting it to increase the awareness of the management of giant scrotal swelling.

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