Siddiqui MB, Ng CW, Low WY.
Need to validate verbal autopsy/social autopsy (vasa) integrated tool for developing countries to assign biological and social reasoning of child mortalities.
Int J Endorsing Health Sci Res Jun ;5(3):1-3.

Over the time since 1990, as the world strive for reducing child mortality1, there has been a clustering of child mortality estimates in developing countries2. The most distinguished clusters have been found in countries belonging to Sub-Saharan African and South Asian regions3,4, especially in India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo and China2,3. Most of the developing countries, in comparison to developed ones, lack comprehensive vital registration system (VRS) 5,6. This system gathers data mostly on births and deaths of the population. The information extracted from such data facilitate and supports the health managers and planners during planning and allocation of scarce resources to the population.

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