Qazi Masroor Ali, Syed Hashim Raza, Sadia Masroor.
Fostering deep learning approach with small group discussion (SGD).
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;68(4):788-91.

Objective:  To demonstrate the effect of SGD Small Group discussion in fostering deep learning in final Year MBBS students.  Study Design:  A Quasi experimental design, single arm study (quantitative method). Place and Duration of Study:  The study was conducted at Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, from Dec 2016 to May 2017. Material and Methods:  Final year MBBS students (total students 243) both males and females who were already having background of foundation basic knowledge (theoretical as well as clinical) of the subject from their third year and fourth year learning. The study was conducted in batches of students (20 students in each batch) on clinical rotation in medical ward 2 were included in this study. A pretest was designed question paper was designed comprising of eight MCQs (one best answer) and five short answer questions (SAQs) based on various clinical presentation on upper GI gastrointestinal bleeding. Afterwards, there was a SGD was conducted on the same topic for one hour. After one week of sessions, similar set of post-test of MCQs and SAQs were given. Descriptive statistics of student’s scores were calculated such as mean and SD, and comparison of pre and post-test was done. Results:  There were total 243 students who were selected for this study from the final year, QAMC. Before the intervention of SGD, the mean score obtained from pre-test was Mean ± SD 11.91 ± 4.22. Score obtained from the post test were Mean ± SD 18.41 ± 3.90. Inferential statistics was calculated by applying paired sample t-test and the A p-value was <0.001, indicating significant improvement because of intervention. There was generalized increase in knowledge of all participants due to the intervention, presented in terms of post-test scores, establishing the effectiveness of the intervention. Conclusion:  Small group discussion was found one of the best academic strategy.  

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