Hamza Ali Lodhi, Muhammad Waqas, Srinavasa Jampana, Santiago Aguilar, Asim Mushtaq, Hina Farooq.
Primary pericardial liposarcoma in a young lady.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;68(1):178-79.

Liposarcomas are tumors that appear to arise from precursors of adipocytes and are most commonly found in the extremities and retroperitoneum. They can metastasize to pericardium, but a primary liposarcoma in pericardium is very rare and generally has an insidious onset and often presents with complications. Treatment is primarily surgical; doxorubicin has a limited role in treatment. Now newer receptor directed therapies have shown benefit in liposarcomas. Primary pericardial liposarcoma due to its rarity is best treated at a high volume center. Here we present to our colleagues a case of primary pericardial liposarcoma in a young lady; whom we referred to a tertiary care center after diagnosis for optimum care.

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