Saira Bano, Ahsan Mahmood Shah, Ummar Hussain, Muhammad Saood, Syed Suleman Shah.
Hold away soft tissue norms in a sample of peshawar population.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;37(2):269-72.

The objective of this study was to determine soft tissue norms in a sample of Peshawar population. Holdaway soft tissues were determined for 150 individuals (78 males and 72 females) from the lateral cephalograms taken in natural head position. All radiographs were traced and measured by the same investigator. Twelve variables of Holdaway's analysis were determined. The data were analysed using SPSS version 20. The minimum, maximum, mean and SD were calculated for each variable. Differences between males and females were examined using indepen dent sample t-test. The mean age in this study was 19.18 3.43 years. Most values in this study were similar to the Hold away soft tissue norms. For H angle, nose prominence, upper lip thickness and basic upper lip thickness there were variation from the Hold away norms. The males and females had almost similar means for soft tissue norms except for H angle, skeletal profile convexity and upper lip thickness and basic upper lip thickness. H angle, nose prominence, upper lip thickness and basic upper lip thickness were differed from Holdaway's norms. Males have relatively prominent upper lip thickness and basic upper lip thickness than do the females. Orthodontist and surgeons should consider these variations in mind while formulating camouflage and surgical orthodontic treatment to achieve optimal esthetics.

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