Sarmad Ahmad Qamar, Zahed Mahmood, Naveed Munir, Muhammad Jahangeer, Aneela Basharat.
Thyroid hormones and cardiovascular homeostasis; a review.
Pak Heart J Jun ;51(4):264-72.

Two iodinated hormones, 3,5,3-triiodothyronine (T3) and 3,5,3,5-tetraiodothyronine; also known as thyroxine (T4) are secreted by thyroid gland.Thyroid hormones interact with specific receptors on myocardial and vascular endothelial tissues to induce chemical changes and these tissues are very sensitive for a small fluctuation in circulating thyroid hormones. The obtained data from different experimental and clinical studies revealed significance of normal thyroid hormones to maintain the cardiovascular homeostasis. Even subtle fluctuation in the concentration of thyroid hormone as in subclinical hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism could significantly affect the cardiovascular system. In this review article we will understand how thyroid hormones interacts with specific receptors on myocytes and induces many genomic as well as nongenomic alterations directly and indirectly including due to dyslipidemia, blood pressure changes and endothelial dysfunction.

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