Ejaz Ahmed Awan, Zafar Ali Seenharo, Mohammad Ismail Salim Memon.
Causes of death; pattern of the causes of death in adult males-a perspective on autopsy.
Professional Med J Jun ;26(03):479-83.

Objectives: The purpose behind this study was to determine the pattern of the causes of death in adult males - a perspective on autopsy. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Period: 2015 to 2016. Setting: Peoples Medical College Hospital, Nawabshah, Shaheed Benazirabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Material and Methods: 73 male patients, whose autopsy were performed through a convenience non-purposive sampling technique to ascertain the causes of death among dead bodies brought at Peoples Medical College Hospital, Nawabshah, Shaheed Benazirabad, Sindh, Pakistan for the purpose of autopsy. Autopsy was performed with consent taken from the family members and hospital administration. Questionnaire was used to collect the limited relevant data and used SPSS version 17 for data entry and analysis. Results: Mean age of patients whom autopsy were performed was 37.12 years among them minimum age was 10 year and maximum age recorded was 75 years. Among all, 31 (42.46%) cases were from rural area while 42 (57.53%) cases were from urban area. Overall the most common pattern of death was firearm injury (27.39%) and most of them (17.80%) belongs to younger group (10 – 40 years) of males and the same cause of death was also the most common (9.58%) among older group (≥41 – 75 years). Conclusion: Most of the autopsies were performed from urban areas among them most common cause of death was firearm injury in both younger and older group of people.

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