Khiaynat Sarwar Hashmi, Tasneem Akhtar, Sidrah Batool, Kokab Saleem.
Gestational diabetes mellitus; to compare metformin and regular insulin in blood sugar control and neonatal outcome in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Professional Med J Jun ;26(01):69-74.

Objectives: To Compare metformin and regular insulin in blood sugar control and neonatal outcome in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus. Material and Method:… Study Design:  Randomized control trial. Place of the Study: Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Bahawal Victoria hospital Bahawalpur. Duration of the study.1 year 1st January 2017- 31st December 2017. Sample Size: N=200, one half (group A) receiving Metformin and other half (group B) receiving regular insulin. Results: Blood sugar control depicted by fasting, 2 hr post parandial levels and HbA1c % was similar in both group. Coexisting hypertensive complications were seen more in insulin group. Weight gain was also significantly more in insulin group 17 kg on an average as compared to metformin group where average weight gain was 13 kg.Convenience and satisfaction regarding their treatment,more number of patients were satisfied in metformin group. There were significant increase in the mean birth weight of the newborns, need for admission in NICU and Neonatal hypoglycemia in insulin group as compared to metformin group. Conclusion: Metformin when compared to insulin has equal efficacy in controlling maternal blood sugar levels but better neonatal outcome, patient satisfaction and convenience in treatment of gestational Diabetes Mellitus.

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