Madiha Ashfaq, Samina Jabeen, Asif Hanif.
Frequency of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Nulliparous Pregnant Females during Last Trimester.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;12(1):379-81.

Background: When it comes to nutritional anemia, the major factor causing it is considered to be Iron Deficiency Anemia or IDA. In pregnancy, women tend to have increased need for iron and hence are more susceptible to IDA. Therefore pregnant women are considered as to be more affected by Iron Deficiency Anemia. Aim : To determine the frequency of anemia in pregnant females during last trimester . Methodology : A total of 100 women were taken in this study with first pregnancy and gestational age >28 weeks of gestation. Data was collected using cross sectional design form each female meeting inclusion criteria from OPD of RHC Manga Manddi, District Lahore. Their blood sample from each females visiting for their antenatal check-ups was taking in aseptic measure and was sent to hospital laboratory. Their reports were collected by principal investigator and Hb levels were recorded. Anaemia was defined as per standard criteria i.e. if Hb < 11 mg/dl. Results: The mean age of cases was 25.65 +/- 4.42 years [18 and 35 years as minimum and maximum ages]. The average Hb was 10.01 and 1.69 mg/dl with minimum and maximum levels as 6.50 - 14.30 mg/dl. Among all females the frequency of anemia was seen in 71(71%) of the cases while in rests of 29(29 %) of the case the Hb level was above 11 mg/dl. Conclusion: Even in nulliparous pregnant females the frequency of anemia is too high. We must pay special attention to maintain required levels of Hb during pregnancy for better fetomaternal outcome.

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