Sara Akram, Shazia Saeed, Nasreen Akhter, Ashfaq Ahmad, Rohana Salam.
Evaluation of Safety of Postplacental IUCD Insertion in Lower Segment Caesarean Section( LSCS).
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;12(4):1384-5.

Background: Increasing population is a threat and burden on resources in developing countries so effective use of contraception may reduce this burden . Aim : To evaluate safety of post placental insertion of IUCD in LSCS in term of maternal complication. Place and Duration : DHQ Teaching Hospital Mirpur , AJK during 1st January , 2017 to 30 th June, 2018. Methods : Total 100 cases were selected and follow up done on 6 week postpartum and 6 month after delivery. Patients demographic data and record with follow up dates and all complication like expulsion, displace IUCD, perforation, hemorrhage and sepsis were noted on pre-design proforma. IUCD was inserted at time of LSCS after excluding condition like anemia, major degree placenta previa, cardiac diseases, uncontrolled GDM, fibroid uterus chorioamnonites and patient not willing for this method. Results : The mean age of the patients was 29.42+/-3.96. Total 86 patients out of 100 completed their follow up up- to 6 month while in one patient IUCD was removed due to her persistent pelvic pain at 6 week postpartum. Menorrhagia was observed in 03 patients , no other complication like expulsion , perforation and sepsis observed. Conclusion : It is a safe procedure of contraception should encourage without hesitation.

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