Aasma Yousaf, Rabiya Amir, Asma Hameed.
Body Image, Self-Compassion and Sexual Distress in patients with Mastectomy.
Ann King Edward Med Uni Jun ;25(1):22-7.

Objectives. To identify the relationship in body image, self-compassion and Sexual distress in patients who have undergone mastectomy and to determine body image and self-compassion as a predictor of sexual distress. Method: The sample size for this study was 74 women participants, approached from the oncology departments of three government hospitals and one private hospitals of Lahore who have experienced mastectomy. Demographic questionnaire, translated version of Body Image Scale, Self-compassion Scale and Female Sexual Distress Scale-Revised were used as measuring instruments. Results: Significant relationship was found in body image, self-compassion, and sexual distress of women with mastectomy through Pearson moment correlation. Regression analysis showed that body image and self-compassion were found to be the significant predictor of sexual distress. Conclusion: Intervention programs can be designed to promote the level of self-compassion in patients to help them to deal effectively with the illness. Moreover, awareness and guidance can be provided regarding sexual problems faced by women due to disfigurement and to foster the level of hope and acceptance in them.

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