Saleha Sadeeqa, Saba Yousaf, Iram Nawaz, Aiman Imtiaz, Amna Kulb, Zabeen Zafar.
Prevalence and Management of Tooth Plaque among University Students.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Jun ;24(4):265-51.

Dental plaque is a biofilm of microbes which has a cross-linkage with the host tissues. Study objective was to assess prevalence and management of dental plaque among university students. An observational study was conducted from July-2018 to September-2018, at different departments of Punjab University and Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan. A total of 300 students with tooth plaque and age between 18-25 years were included in the study. The results showed that tooth plaque was more prevalent between 24-25 years of age. Significant association was found be-tween the following: `importance of oral hygiene` and gender( p=0.025) and economic status(p=0.001), `yellowing of teeth` and age (p=0.001) and economic status (p=0.001), `inherent characteristics` and economic status (p=0.01), `brushing daily` and age (p=0.015) and economic status(p=0.003), `type of tooth paste used` with gender (p=0.001) & economic status (p=0.016) and finally between `visits to dentist` and age (p=0.03) & economic status (p=0.005). Tooth plaque was more prevalent in people with low economic status.

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