Rubina Naqvi, Khawar Abbas, Syed Fazal Akhtar.
Acute Kidney Injury with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome - a single center experience.
Pak J Kidney Dis Jun ;4(1):193-8.

We report here, case series of patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) developing in association with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Different causes of HUS and outcome of patients in this group of patients is aimed to be reported. Patients and Methods: subjects for the study reported here comprised of a cohort of 105 patients admitted with the diagnosis of AKI due to HUS. AKI was defined according to RIFLE criteria and HUS on basis of hematological, biochemical and/or histological features. All patients had normal size kidneys on ultrasonography and no previous co- morbidity. Results: One hundred and five patients with AKI due to HUS were brought to this institute from January 2000 - July 2019; among these 76 were females, mean age of these patients was 27.83±10.50 years. Causes of HUS were febrile illness, with or without diarrhea, diarrhea alone, pregnancy related complications and one each from snake bite, HCV infection / IFN therapy and use of combination of drugs. In pregnancy related HUS one patient had HUS during pregnancy while rest were during postpartum. Renal replacement was required in 95.23 % patients. Complete renal recovery was observed in 22 patients, while 15 died during acute phase of illness. CKD-V developed in 24 patients, 41 patients lost long term follow up, but were dialysis free till last follow up. Treatment with plasmapheresis revealed significantly better renal recovery (p value 0.026) in this group of patients. Conclusion: HUS can be severe life threatening disease; AKI with background of HUS may remain irreversible in many of these patients. Plasmapheresis should be offered to patients with established diagnosis of HUS.

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