Aasia Kanwal, Aisha Bashir, Ayesha Gohier, Bilal Habib.
Association of red blood cell indices and erythrocyte sedimentation rate in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;71(2):610-13.

Objective: To find association of red blood cell indices and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in COPD patients. Study Design: Retrospective case control study. Place and Duration of Study: University of Health Sciences Lahore, from Oct to Dec 2019. Methodology: This study was conducted at University of Health Sciences Lahore after approval from Institutional Review Board of University of Health Sciences Lahore. The Data was assessed by IBM-SPSS version 24. Significance of the associations was assessed by Fisher’s Exact test and independent sample t-test. Results: The continuous variables of our data were having normal distribution hence their mean ± standard deviations were calculated. Mean age of the cases with COPD was 56.22 ± 11.34. Mostly were males (91%). The prevalence of the cases and the controls was also calculated by comparing them with different demographic variables. It was found to be highly statistically significant when compared with age (p=0.04). Age group of 51-65 was also more affected with COPD then the other age groups. Patients with lower socio-economic group were found to be more affected by COPD then those from other socio economic groups. When association of COPD was seen with different red blood cell indices then it was striking to find out that the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) was significantly associated (p=0.03). Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was also found to be strongly associated with COPD cases (p=0.001). Conclusion: Hence it is concluded that the red blood cell indices and ESR have a strong association with COPD.

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