Rano Mal, Nadeem Rizvi.
Brief review of Pulmonary evaluation in non lung resection surgery and pre-operative management.
Pak J Chest Med Jun ;8(3):11-3.

The goal of pulmonary evaluation in non lung resection surgery and pre-operative management is to reduce the likelihood of post-operative pulmonary complications. The pre-operative evaluation of both symptomatic and asymptomatic patient should include a thorough history and physical examination. Special emphasis should be given on the assessment of functional status, exercise tolerance and pulmonary symptoms and signs, in order to unfold previously unrecognized pulmonary disease in asymptomatic patients. In our setting where tuberculosis is rampant chest x-ray is needed to exclude occult TB lesion. Additional testing of asymptomatic healthy non smoker patients has not been found to be helpful and is not recommended. This is a review article.

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