Fatima Zahra, Arsala Rashid, Maria Zaman, Amber Arshad, Nabila Aslam, Uzair Rashid.
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in patients of Non Hodgkin\\\'s Lymphoma.
Ann King Edward Med Uni Jun ;29(4):410-2.

The study was conducted to determine the frequency of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia in non-Hodgkin`s lymphomas. A cross sectional study on 100 patients of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma was conducted in Pathology department, KEMU, Lahore. The mean age among the patients was 50.14 +- 17.053 years. The mean haemoglobin was 10.73g/dl +- 2.74 . Out of 100, 88 patients had Coomb`s Test negative and 12 patients had a positive result. Those having a positive coomb`s test showed a higher retic count i.e., 5.05 +- 2.37. The average bilirubin levels in all NHL patients were 0.901 0.995 mg/dL, with a substantially higher mean of 2.15 1.19 mg/dL among patients who tested positive for Coomb's. The LDH levels of those immensely high 764.5 +- 441.Post stratification chi square testing showed no significant relationship was found between autoimmune hemolytic anemia among NHL patients. Age and gender have no significant effect. However, disease stage can be a risk factor. Therefore, it is emphasized that all patients of NHL, regardless of age and gender, must be thoroughly investigated.

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