Wazir Mohammad, Anila Basit, Mohammad Tahir, Izasur Rahman, Abdul Wajid, Arshad Javaid.
Treatment outcome of patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis from a District General Hospital involved in TB control programme in NWFP.
Pak J Chest Med Jun ;10(3):25-30.

Objective: To determine treatment outcome of patients registered with pulmonary tuberculosis. Design: Single centered prospective hospital based study. Place and duration of study : Medical and chest units, Agency Head Quarter Hospital, Batkhela, Malakand Agency. Patients registered from 01.01.2002 to 31.03.2004 were included in the study. Material and Method: 100 patients diagnosed as cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were included in the study. Out of them 65 were sputum smear positive while 35 were sputum smear negative. All of them were given anti tuberclous treatment according to the WHO guidelines and treatment outcome was studied. Result: 54(54%) were male, while 46 (46%) were female. 74 % of patients were in the age range of 15-45. Out of 65 sputum smear positive cases 53 (81.5%) were cured , while among 35 sputum smear negative cases, 27 (77.1 %) completed the treatment. Treatment outcome among both sputum smear positive and negative patients was 79.3 %. Conclusion: There were more males affected by pulmonary tuberculosis as compared to females. Most of them were in the productive age range of 15-45. The encouraging results of the treatment outcome among pulmonary tuberculosis patients were because of awareness among people about the disease, proper registration & monitoring.

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