Shahzad Ali Shah, Umar Khitab, Muhammad Ali Chughtai, Abbas Saleem Khan.
Causes of dental extractions among 2000 patients - a study conducted at oral and maxillofacial surgical unit, Khyber College of Dentistry, Peshawar - Pakistan.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;24(2):209-12.

The purpose of this study was to determine different causes of dental extractions. Two thousand patients were examined thoroughly. Among 2000 patients 1188 were male, 812 were female. Grossly Carious teeth remain the dominant cause contributing to 61.50% o f all extractions followed by trauma (9,86%), miscellaneous group (9.70%), abscesses / granulomas (7.60%), impactions (3.60%), periodontal diseases (3.00%) and cystic lesions (3.00%). The least possible cause of dental extractions was orthodontic purpose (1.94%).

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