Saba Fazle Rabi, Saleem Sadigi.
Solitary Fibrous Tumour of Pleura.
Med Channel Jun ;7(3):41-2.

OBJECTIVE : To present a rare case of solitary fibrous tumour of pleura. DESIGN: Study in detail the histpathologicalfeatures of this tumour. SETTING: The Pathology department of BMSI, JPMC, Karachi. SUBJECT: An encapsulated tumour attached with the pleura. RESULT: The tumour was encapsulated, cut surface appeared fish flesh, pink-gray and rubbery in consistency. Microscopically the tumour was composed of interlac ing bundles of well differentiate fibrocollagenous tissue arranged in fascicles, storiform pattern or herringbone appearance on H&E, showed bluish green color on trichrome stain and coarse distribution of reticulin. CONCLUSION: SFT of pleura closely resemble other benign spindle cell tumour. Diagnosis is made on cellular morphology i.e. absence of pleomorphism, mitotic figures and other elements e.g. blood vessels. Special stains like trichrome highlight the fibrous origin of tumor.

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