Ali Khan Khuwaja, Alia Nasir, Yasmin Mithani.
Preventing Osteoporosis epidemic by exercise interventions.
Med Today Jun ;3(3):140-2.

Osteoporosis is a chronic metabolic disease of bones, affecting millions of people worldwide with alarming future projections. It is a very costly disease due to its chronic nature and un-wanted consequences. The best way to tackle this condition is prevention. The objectives of this review are to appreciate the importance of regular physical activity and exercise for the prevention of osteoporosis and to make recommendations about exercise intervention. Regular physical activity and exercise is well-proved as a cost-effective intervention for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Exercise not only improves bone health, it also increases muscle strength, coordination, balance, flexibility and leads to better overall health. Thus, encouraging regular physical activity at all ages should be recommended to prevent osteoporosis. In particular, promoting exercise at a younger age should be a top priority when bones are in growing and maturity phase; hence to prevent the future emergence of osteoporosis. Family Physicians and Community Health Nurses can play a vital role in this regard.

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