Ayesha Mehnaz.
Tuberculosis in children.
J Pak Med Assoc Jun ;56(9):390-1.

Pakistan is identified as sixth among the 22 countries of the EMRO region with the highest burden of TB. In 2001, the Government of Pakistan declared Tuberculosis as a National Emergency. In 2002 the National Tuberculosis Control Programme (NTP) a project of Ministry of Health (MoH), Government of Pakistan, adopted and initiated the implementation of DOTS programme. The objective of the NTP was to provide 100 percent DOTS coverage by 2005, detecting 70% of all cases and successfully treating 85% of them by 2005 and reducing the prevalence and deaths due to tuberculosis by 50% by 2010. Though the programme has met with measurable success, Pakistan is still far away from reaching its target. One aspect not given due consideration in the DOTS programme is its implementation in children. The diagnosis and managment of Tuberculosis in the young children still remains a challenge for the treating physicians. This is an Editorial.

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