Ayesha Samad Dogar, Tariq Mehmood Marri, Tariq Mehmood Marri, Hafiz Ather Farooq.
Spectrum of benign and malignant hematological diseases diagnosed in Quetta on bone marrow aspiration.
Professional Med J Mar 2020;27(03):641-5.
Authors details
Objectives: Bone marrow aspiration is a diagnostic test for various hematological disorders. Present study was designed to determine the percentages and frequency of benign and malignant hematological disorders diagnosed on bone marrow aspiration in Quetta. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Department of Hematology Sandeman Provincial Teaching Hospital Quetta and Bolan Medical Complex Quetta. Period: From Jan 2015 to Jan 2019. Material & Methods: The demographic variables were age and gender of the patients, while the research variables were benign hematological disorders and malignant hematological disorders. All the variables were presented in percentages and frequencies. Results: Out of total 478 hematological disorders 241(50.4%) were diagnosed with benign and 237(49.6%) were malignant hematological disorders. Majority of the patients were in the age range between 1-10 years. 62.3% was the male population whereas females comprised of only 37.7%. Megaloblastic Anemia having 14.2% was found to be the most common benign hematological disorders followed by Aplastic Anemia with 11.7% cases and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura was present in 9.2%. Among the malignant disorders Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia 19%, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia 8.3% and Acute Myeloid Leukemia were found to be 5.8%. Conclusion: The most common benign hematological disorders were Megaloblastic anemia and Aplastic anemia whereas Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia were the most remarkable malignant hematological disorder diagnosed on bone marrow aspiration in Quetta.
Article: Original Article
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