Najafian Jamshid, Nasr Ali, Sanei Hamid Reza.
Electrocardiographic and angiographic corelation of positive T-wave in V1 and coronary stenosis in patients with stable angina
Pak J Cardiol Jul - Dec 2007;18(3-4):46-8.
Isfahan University of Medical Science, Iran
Background: During myocardial infarction ECG could determine the anatomic territory of necrotic myocardium. In stable angina the anatomic territory of ischemic myocardium is less correlated to ECG changes. In this study the correlation between positive T-Wave in lead V1 and the anatomic position of coronary arteries and the severity of stenotic lesion are investigated in patients with stable angina Method: this is a cross sectional analytical prospective study. The study was done in chamran hospital of Isfahan. Two hundred patients were involved in these study. 100 patients with negative T-wave in V1 as control group and hundred patients with positive T-wave in V1 as cases. All patient were angiographied .The cine films were interpreted by two cardiologists. Results: Of patient who had positive T-wave in V1 84%, had a significant lesion on one or more of their coronary arteries. Patients with negative T-wave on V1 Only 54% had significant coronary lesion (P<0.005). Patients who had a positive T-Wave in V1 in 85% of cases, LAD, in 76.1% of cases, RCA and in 57.1% of cases the LCX had significant stenosis (P<0.005). Conclusion: Positive T wave on V1 predict more significant stenotic lesion of coronary arteries. But its correlation with anatomic location is more controversial.
Article: Original Article
Myocardial Infarction.
Angina Pectoris.
Coronary Stenosis.
Angina, Unstable.
Coronary Disease.
Coronary Angiography.
Coronary Circulation.
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