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Introduction: Nasal mucosa is very sensitive when it is exposed to extreme dry and cold weather conditions. Persistent or recurrent nasal itching due to such exposure is usually followed by the epistaxis. Objective of the study was to analyze effects of excessive exposure to dry and cold air of air conditioners on nose in terms of nasal itching and epistaxis. Methods: This prospective cohort study carried out on 144 healthy Pakistani individuals working in United Nations Hospital in Nyala, Sudan from February 2014 to May 2014. Individuals spending less than 8 hours daily inside air conditioners were compared to those spending more than 15 hours daily. Chi square tests were applied to compare the proportions of incidence of nasal itching and epistaxis between these two groups as well as between two age groups. Results: Mean age of all 144 subjects was 35.01 years (± 6.4). Chi square test results confirmed that there was statistically significant difference of both the symptoms (nasal itching p-value 0.021 and nasal bleeding p-value 0.044) between two groups. Those spending more time in air conditioners were significantly more affected by dry and cold air. As for as the age group is concerned significantly higher number of subjects of ages more than 40 years had nasal bleeding compared to the younger age group (equal or less than 40 years). Conclusion: Effects of exposure of dry air of air conditioners on nasal mucosa in terms of nasal itching and nasal bleeding were found to be significantly higher when subjects were exposed 15 hours or more per day. Furthermore nasal bleeding was more commonly seen in elderly subjects (more than 40 years) due to such exposure.

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