Mustafa Kamal Akbar, Mushtaq Ahmed Baig, Muhammad Azam Khan.
Ocular involvement in various Types of Leprosy
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun 1998;48(1):11-4.
Leprosy Hospital Rawalpindi, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar
In total 100 patients were studied at random, over a period of seven months in Leprosy Hospital Rawalpindi, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar and skin department, Military Hospital Rawalpindi. Out of these 39 had lepromatous leprosy (LL), 21 border line lepromatous (BL), 5 border line leprosy (BB), 22 Border line tuberculoid (BT) and 13 tuberculoid leprosy (TT). The male to female ratio was 2:1. The mean age was 60 years and duration of disease was 20 years in 44% of the patients. Mode of presentation was mixed, involving both nerves and skin and 21 % had positive family history. <p> The ocular complications were found in 67% of the studied patients. Many patients had more than one findings. These include loss of eye brows 41 patients, madarosis 32, corneal hypoaesthesia 21, other corneal lesions (including opacity, ulceration and keratitis) 24, lagophthalmos 25, chronic anterior uveitis 18, and acute anterior uveitis 7. Out of the total, 9 were declared blind, 5 due to corneal complications and 4 due to complications of chronic uveitis.
Article: Original Article
Hospital, Military.
Leprosy, Borderline.
Leprosy, Lepromatous.
Eye Diseases.
Hospitals, Special.
Anti-Allergic Agents.
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