Iqbal N, Chughtai M N.
Management of Blunt Renal Trauma: a profile of 65 patients
J Pak Med Assoc Oct 2004;54(10):516-8.
Department of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Allama Iqbal Medical College, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
Objective: To outline the pattern and trends in the management of patients of renal trauma at the Department of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore, from January 1998 to June 2003. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 65 patients identified with blunt renal trauma. Results: Of 65 patients of renal trauma, injuries were graded I to V in18 (27%), 9 (14%), 13 (20%), 16 (24%) and 9 (14%) respectively. Nephrectomy was done in all patients of Grade V and in 3 patients of Grade IV injury. Two patients in each group of grade IV and V died of associated injury. Rest of the patients were treated conservatively with blood transfusion, parenteral fluid, antibiotics, analgesics and bed rest. Of 53 patients treated conservatively two (4%) developed fever and eight (15%) hypertension. Two (4%) patients of grade III underwent delayed exploration for perinephric collection. Conclusion: Conservative management of blunt renal trauma without associated abdominal injury is feasible in patients who are hemodynamically stable at presentation (JPMA 54:516;2004).
Article: Original Article
Wounds, Nonpenetrating.
Transplantation, Renal.
Abdominal Injuries.
Injury Severity Score.
Trauma Centers.
Renal Artery.
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