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OBIECTIVE: The objective of this Study was to determine the effectiveness of Olanzapine in treating Symptoms of Schizophrenia in Pakistani Patients. METHODS: Psychiatrists from all over the. Pakistani were requested to enroll six Patients each. for the program. Every patient was provided with Olanzapine 10 mg/day for the duration of six weeks. Patients selection criteria was based on D.S.M IV schizophrenia Paranoids Type 295.30 Disorganized type 295.10 Catatonic types 295.20 Undifferentiated type 295.90 Residual type 295.60 Schizophrenic, form type disordered 295.40. Schizophrenic episode and number of episodes including the current episodes were also obtained. Details of previous therapy and concomitant therapy were obtained. At the end of the program, charts and data were collected from all the centers through out Pakistan. Scores on the Clinical Global Impression CGI, of severity scale were recorded; besides this changes in Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia, Co-morbid mood symptoms, Cognitive Symptoms, Clinical Global Improvement and over all therapeutic effects were recorded. RESULTS: Total number of Patients was 175 (paranoid type 51 %, Disorganized type 19 %, Catatonic type 2%, Undifferentiated type 14%, Residual type 6% Schizoeffective disorder 3% and other 1 %). As the t-test on paired difference Wilcoxon-Signeda-Rank test was clone to test whether the change from base line to the end point in the Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI) and in negative and positive schizophrenia symptoms was significant or not. All changes from baseline to the end point were statistically significant as P-value in all cases were less than 0.01. CGI showed significant reduction as Z =-9.8405, P value <0.001. Positive schizophrenic symptoms showed reduction as Z =-9.148, P value <0.001. Negative schizophrenic symptoms improved as Z =-8.775 and P value -<0.001. Co-morbid mood Symptoms showed reduction as Z =-8.8728, P value <0.001. Cognitive symptoms showed reduction as Z =-8.341 P value <0.001. Clinical Global Improvement is noted with significant reduction as Z =-8.954 P value <0.001. Patients Global Improvement was found as Z = -8.859 and P value < 0.001. Overall therapeutic effects of Olanzapine were 9% excellent, 33% very good 36% satisfactory, 18% satisfactory and 4% no effects 78% of patients said yes to continue the medication and 22 % said no, mainly because of the high Cost of treatments. CONCLUSION: This multi centered Pakistan based physician experience program shows that 10 mg Olanzapine is effective in treating symptoms of schizophrenic in Pakistani patients.

Article: Original Article


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