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Objective: To determine the pain of single versus multiple visit endodontic treatment after obturation in teeth with necrotic pulps and infected canals. Methods: The randomized controlled study was conducted from January to June 2016 at Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Dental patients aged 18-60 years of either gender were selected who were subjected to computer-generated randomisation. Both maxillary and mandibular single rooted teeth till second premolar were included. Single visit endodontic treatment to Group-I subjects was carried out by gaining access to canals, cleaning, shaping and obturation at same visit whereas in Group-II patients, who underwent multiple visits, cleaning and shaping was followed by placement of intra-canal medicament, while obturation was done 5 days later. Patients were recalled within 48 hours after obturation to record the pain score using visual analogue scale. Results: Of the 60 patients, 30(50%) were in each of the two groups. There was no significant difference in post-operative pain in the two groups (p=0.8). The frequency of post-operative pain was not significant either (p>0.05). The post-operative mean pain score was 2.23±1.736 in Group-I and 2.38±1.94 in Group-II (p=0.8). Conclusion: Treatment carried out in single visit or multiple visits showed no difference in pain frequency.

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