Sajid Rashid, Naveed Malik.
Comparison of hemorrhoidectomy combined with LIS and open hemorrhoidectomy.
Professional Med J Nov 2020;27(11):2305-8.
Authors details
Objectives: To measure the effectiveness of addition of LIS with open haemorrhoidectomy in reducing post-operative pain. Study Design: Experimental study. Setting: Surgical Unit of DHQ Teaching Hospital Rawalpindi. Period: Jan-2016 to Nov-2017. Material & Methods: This study was conducted on total number of 60 patients (n=60) with 4th degree haemorrhoids. Patients were divided into two equal groups of 30. In group 1 open haemorrhoidectomy with LIS was done and group 2 open haemorrhoidectomy without LIS was done. Results: Mean pain score of 2.53 with SD of 0.681 was found in group 1 (open haemorrhoidectomy with LIS) as compare to mean pain score of 7.07 with SD of 1.112 in group 2 (open haemorrhoidectomy without LIS) p value was 0.05. T-Test was applied and difference between the two groups was found statistically significant. Conclusion: Open haemorrhoidectomy with LIS reduces post-operative pain in patients.
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