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Paediatrics Unit III, Civil Hospital, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi.

Objective: To determine the frequency of Vitamin D deficiency in children presenting with rickets. Methods: Descriptive case series was conducted at the department of Paediatrics Unit III, Dow University of Health Sciences and Civil Hospital Karachi in children 6 months to 5 years of age presenting with clinical rickets. Children taking vitamin D were excluded. The subjects fulfilling inclusion criteria were enrolled after informed consent. Blood samples were taken from each patient and were sent to the laboratory for vitamin D (25[OH] D) level. Serum level of vitamin D less than 20ng/ml was labeled as vitamin D (25[OH] D) deficiency rickets. The data was collected on pre-designed performa by the principal researcher. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 10. Results: The age of enrolled participants was 1.5 ±1 year. Of 159 enrolled participants, 91 (57.2%) were male and 68 (42.8%) were female. Frequency of sun exposure of 2-3 days a week was 97 (61.01%) and using vitamin D fortified foods were 34 (21.38%). The frequency of vitamin D deficiency was 120 (75.47%) cases. Conclusion: In this study the frequency of vitamin D deficiency in children 6 months to five years with rickets was 75%.

Article: Original Article


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