Following are Research Articles associated with keyword Micronutrient
Akiibinu M O, Arinola O G, Ogunyemi E O Plasma neopterin and peroxide levels in pulmonary tuberculosis patients on chemotherapy with or without micronutrient supplementation. Pak J Med Sci Apr - Jun 2009;25(3):380-5.
Mohammad Perwaiz Iqbal, Bo S Lindblad, Naseema Mehboobali, Farzana A Yusuf, Abrar H Khan, Saleem Perwaiz Iqbal Folic acid and vitamin B6 deficiencies related Hyperhomocysteinemia in apparently healthy Pakistani adults; is mass micronutrient supplementation indicated in this population?. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak May 2009;19(5):308-12.
Hina Ayesha, Muhammed Shamoon, Bushra Nazir, Muhammed Asghar Butt, Maqbool Ahmed, Ghulam Raza Baloch Nutritional status and micronutrient levels of children with celiac disease before and after gluten free diet. Professional Med J Jan - Mar 2006;13(1):145-50.
Mumtaz Badruddin, Ms Romaina Iqbal, Inayat H Thaver Why rickets is still commonly seen in our children: lesson for Primary Care Physicians. Pak Paed J Mar 1997;21(1):23-6.
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