Following are Research Articles associated with keyword Mother
Nasir Afzal Fatal double aortic arch anomaly and maternal cocaine abuse. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Mar 2003;13(3):166-7.
Farida Habib, Lubna Baig, Saadia Aziz The role of the Birth Attendants in decreasing Neonatal Deaths due to Tetanus. Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Dec 2002;7(2):383-6.
Mubarak Ali, Atta Ullah Mazhar, Muhammad Irshad ul Haq Tetanus Neonatorum. Pak Paed J Dec 2002;26(4):187-90.
Mazhar S B, Kausar S Outcome of singleton breech deliveries beyond 28 weeks gestation: the experience at MCH Centre, PIMS. Mother and Child Health. Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. J Pak Med Assoc Oct 2002;52(10):471-5.
Shahid Hameed, Asma Sharif, Tariq Mahmood Malik Non-Cardiac Drugs Causing Ventricular Arrhythmias. Pak J Med Sci Jan - Mar 2001;17(1):45-9.
Rizwan Qureshi Synchronous Bilateral Pneumothorax in Pregnant Mother and Newborn Baby - Genetic Component to Etiology?. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Nov 2000;10(11):433-4.
Khuram Ahmad, Aisha Malik, Waseem Yousaf Ante Partum Haemorrhage due to Placenta Previa: An Alarm to Mother and Foetus. Ann King Edward Med Uni Apr - Jun 2000;2(6):156-9.
Nasser Rashid Dar, Shahida Akhtar, Mumtaz Ahmed, Imran Roshan Neonatal Pemphigus in a baby boy born to a mother with Pemphigus Vegetans - A case report. J Pak Assoc Derma Jan - Mar 2000;10(1):35-7.
Munim S, Rahbar M, Rizvi M, Mushtaq N The effect of grandmultiparity on pregnancy related complications: the Aga Khan University experience. J Pak Med Assoc Feb 2000;50(2):54-8.
Khwaja Ahmad Abbas, Ehsan Latif, Simana Ali, Shahida Parveen Role of Lactation Management Clinic in a Hospital. Mother & Child Mar 1996;34(1):4-10.
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