Following are Research Articles associated with keyword Netilmicin
Mudassir Iqbal Dar, Abdul Bari Khan, Sadqa Aftab, Shamsunnisa Rashdi, Syed Aftab Mahmood Management of left atrial myxomas at Civil Hospital, Karachi. Pak J Surg Jan - Mar 2008;24(1):42-5.
Khalida Khanum, Rukhshan Khurshid, Almas Begum, Nasreen Javed Nephrotoxicity of Tobramycin alone and in combination with Cefotaxime in a group of Rabbit. Pak Postgrad Med J Mar 2007;18(1):20-3.
Mahboob Ahmed Wagan, Rashid Ahmed Shaikh, Syed Saud Hasan, Muhammad Baqir Soomro, Shaheen Shah Aminoglycosides; toxicity of once a day dosing. Professional Med J Jan - Mar 2004;11(1):53-6.
S A Haider Intraocular level of Antibiotics in Bacterial Endophthalmitis and the timing of repeat injection. Pak J Ophthalmol Jan 1998;14(1):28-33.
Ahmad Naqvi S M, Kehkashan Siraj, Zulfiqar A Bhutta Febrile Neutropenia in childhood malignant disorders: clinical correlates and prognostic factors. Pak Paed J Mar 1996;20(1):29-32.
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