Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan, Intisar Zahid Khan, Syed Mosaddque Iqbal, Shaheen Malik.
Schwannoma of the posterior pharyngeal wall.
Pak J Otolaryngol Jun ;22(1):26-7.

A 35 years old male presented with a mass in the posterior pharyngeal wall, difficulty in swallowing the bolus and muffled voice for the last two years. Clinically there was a rounded, non tender, firm, mobile mass of about a ping pong ball size. FNAC suggested a vascular neoplasm. CT scan revealed a soft tissue mass occuping 2 lard of the oropharynx, while carotid angiography (doppler) revealed a solid mass with normal scan of carotids. The mass was excised through trans-oral approach and histology proved to be a schwannoma.

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