Fakhar Hameed, Muhammad Akram Malik.
Abdominal Tuberculosis - Profile of 50 Cases.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;10(4):125-7.

A prospective study of 50 cases was conducted at Surgical units of Divisional Headquarter and Allied Hospitals, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, from July 1997 to July 1998 to evaluate clinical presentation of abdominal tuberculosis in local population. Thirty-three patients were females and seventeen males. Evidence of tuberculosis was achieved by histopathology and PCR. The patients were managed either surgically or conservatively by antituberculous chemotherapy. Out of 50 cases, 14 cases were managed by medical treatment and 36 cases were treated with combined medical and surgical treatment. Seven patients expired with a mortality rate of 19.44%. Perforation of gut was associated with highest mortality rate of 42.85%.

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