Saba Riaz, Farrakh Mehmood Alvi, Shahida Hasnain.
Early diagnosis of hypertension with molecular genetic techniques.
Professional Med J Jun ;15(2):260-9.

To standardize the molecular techniques for early diagnosis of genes of hypertension. Methodology and Results: These techniques include extraction of DNA in which we extracted DNA by manual method with results of high yield, less purity and it was more time consuming. On the other hand with kit (Fermentas) method yield was low with high purity and less time consuming. The purity of DNA was checked by spectrophotometer by using DNA/RNA ratio. Conditions for diagnosis was optimized for specific DNA sequence by using primers for genes Agt and Ace. Restriction digestion was done with the amplified product with restriction enzymes Lwel and Ncol the result was found negative with no polymorphism. Single stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) was performed which is more efficient method of obtaining information about level of polymorphism with in anonymous nuclear loci than the restriction enzyme protocol. SSCP is also more specific because it gives idea which specific portion of gene is highly polymorphic. The result was again negative. Conclusion: This preliminary study of molecular analysis optimized the conditions for detection of polymorphism of candidate genes associated with hypertension. Following the same standardized conditions this is possible that we can study and diagnose thousands of hypertensive patients. This is very much helpful for future planning of persons who are prone to hypertension due to family history.

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