Shoaib Ahmed Gangat, Anjum Rehman, Mohd Afzal Ahmed, Iqbal Ahmed Memon.
Pattern of aetiological and predisposing factors regarding carcinoma breast.
Pak J Surg Jun ;23(1):7-13.

Objective: To study the pattern of aetiological and predisposing factors regarding Carcinoma Breast. Design: Prospective, descriptive study from Jan. 2001 to Jan. 2006. Setting: Surgical Unit IV, Civil Hospital, Karachi. Patients: All the biopsy proven cases of Carcinoma Breast were included. Methodology: The relevant data regarding history, risk factors, examination and treatment was recorded and analyzed. Results: The total number Carcinoma Breast cases were 54. Out of these 37(68.5%) were under the age of 50 years and 45(83.3%) belonged to the lower socio-economic group. The mean age at menarche was 13.4 years and at menopause 45.13 years. Nine (16,6%) patients had a positive family history of breast carcinoma or other malignancies, and four (7.4%) patients were nulliparous. None of them had a history of long term use of hormonal therapy i-e oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy. Conclusion: The established risk factors like early menarche, late menopause, old age, nulliparity, family history, low socio-economic status differed from the international data. It, therefore, seems worthwhile that a larger scale, multicentric study should be conducted to verify and explain these patterns in our population.

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